Let’s look at a couple of ideas I’m pursuing at the moment

  1. I think the notion of creating an experience that illustrates the point from a visual and audible lens is very interesting. I was thinking I would approach it in either of the following ways.

  2. Have the experience be an in person installation where a room is split in 2 and it has a projection happening on the one wall between them. One side that has more of that monochromatic lighting that you were talking about as well as the white noise on loudspeakers in the space. People can then go to the other side of the space to see a much more colorful room with lighting and melodies featuring me in the center giving a speech about the smells that I wished I could smell going more towards a view with depth.

  3. I could have a similar experience but turn it into a single room that goes from the black and white to the color.

  4. A un-experience-able smell gallery (I would never be able to experience it) with around 6 ish perfume bottles upon podiums. I would then fill the bottles with scents that I’ve extracted from my personal life. (My cooking, my clothes, my gym shoes, my plants, etc.) As people press the perfume bottles to get a smell of them, a screen above would then play videos of my specific memories about these smells.

  5. Q. Would it be terribly difficult to somehow do something with headspace technology to try and extract these smells for a one time thing ? I was looking into something like this.

Scentography: the camera that records your favourite smells

  1. A “smell-gun” that would take a picture of an item, use computer vision to figure out what that item was e.g. “toast”, and then get an AI to describe the smell of the item (I would love to be able to use some of the more descriptive language you used in your reviews as part of it) so I can figure out what that thing smells like. (This one feels a little more lighthearted to me)
  2. A simple t-shirt that asks people around me to describe the smells they’re smelling and text me.

Smell Gun

DALL·E 2022-12-07 12.27.43 - a giant nose on the wall and a person in front of it holding some flowers.png

Screenshot 2022-11-20 at 5.12.20 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-11-20 at 5.10.10 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-11-20 at 5.10.42 PM.png