My initial concept here is


“Best Guess” wasn’t able to get the result of the picture very well.

Best guess label: tableware

Even “Labels” werent terribly accurate

Labels: Ingredient Food Recipe Dish Cuisine Mixture Bowl Produce Sweetness Natural foods

Google Lens however got it on the first try

Screenshot 2022-11-20 at 4.59.55 PM.png


Next up I need to try and get the words “Trail Mix” from the webpage.

Using Selenium which is an browser framework / webscraping tool / im not really sure what it is to be quite honest but it allowed me to pull the title of the item out of the webpage.

smellObject = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='DeMn2d']")

Dope. I got “Trail Mix”

Next up was how do I take this object and feed it into something like GPT-3 to get a description of the smell.

I had a couple different attempts at this.

One was asking it to explain it as a horoscope

Explain what yogurt smells like in the style of a horoscope.

If you enjoy the smell of yogurt, it means you are a cultured individual who appreciates the finer things in life. You are probably also a health-conscious person who enjoys eating yogurt as part of a nutritious diet.

That’s kinda funny.

Explain what the smell of French fries is in the style of a horoscope.

The smell of French fries is like a warm hug on a cold day. It's comforting and familiar, and it always makes you feel a little bit better.