In traditional storytelling, a story has at least one character, who have a purpose and are trying to get something done. The story usually follows the journey of the main character, the protagonist, while additional minor characters can provide extra information.
Pixar in a Box - Introduction to Character
- External feature: the clothes, design or look of a character.
- Internal feature: the personality, beliefs or drive of a character.
- Want: something that drives a character to act.
- Need: something that a character must do or learn in order to succeed or grow.
- Obstacle: something that stands in the way of a character obtaining what they want.
- Character arc: the choices a character makes in order to overcome their obstacles and how they change as a result.
- Antagonist: a character or force that is standing in the way of the protagonists and their goal.
- Stakes: What is at risk if the character fails to achieve their goal (OR, what are the consequences of their choices?) External: what will physically happen to a character or the world Internal: what will happen to a character emotionally Philosophical: what will happen to the values or belief system of the world
For new-media stories and experiential narratives, the main character could be an object, someone from the audience, a collective figure, a BOT or an AI entity.
Image Manipulation & Synthetic Media
- Image Manipulation
- Synthetic media
- Image synthesis
- Audio synthesis
- Natural-language generation
- Deepfakes
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