I’m coming back to blog about designs that I’ve found after I made my inflatable.
The item I found is the Chippenstel 0.5 chair made by the studio Zieta. They are
They are made by sealing the edges of 2 pieces of aluminum and then inflating them with very high pressure to create a beautiful almost balloon looking like chair that
I’m in love with these chairs. I think I want to try and make one out of mylar soon.
My initial idea was to make this “jail”- esque pattern that when inflated
I started with this illustrator pattern but then after trying it out and lasercutting it I realized that no air would go through it if I ironed the sides the way I was planning on. Ultimately I had to remake it to make the middle bits a little bigger.
The next hurdle was when I had lasercut this - I think the settings I had werent enough to seal it. So I ended up sealing it by hand (way harder than I thought to get it nice and smooth). I used this little ironing tool on a glass plate to try and get
Next up I had an idea for another piece. I wanted to make a pair of shorts with an inflatable butt. I started off by cutting off a shape similar to a butt on the mylar and then I tried the positive airpocket method initially. and it kind of worked but I had to reseal the entire thing using an iron.