


One thing I like about projects at ITP are constraints, I like being able to just rattle through different ideas knowing there are solid deliverables. Setting the constraint of the Neopixel Jewel and trying to mimic real candle colors gave me a great place to start.

I started by looking around my house for a candle. As someone with Anosmia, having scented candles in the house never made too much sense to me but something that I do appreciate about candles in general is how they can provide a mood to a space. Whether that be with the obvious light they provide, or the subtle changes in shadow because of the flicker. I remember reading somewhere that humans crave two things:

I think candles are a cool example of how we get a little bit of variety by having an ever so slight flicker. Or maybe not maybe I just read that, and because I’ve been looking at candles a lot I tried to match them together.

ANYWAY. I found a candle. It’s really quite pretty. I had my fan on which made the flames move around a lot. I noticed the color was pretty static and the flicker was what made my eyes think that it was less bright than it actually was.

Cool, now that I had that I had to try and mimic it the best I could. Or at least that’s what I wanted to do.

My initial plan was to try and find a color pallette that I liked and could somehow switch between. Imagine going from one hue to another to another. This one from was nice.

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I even tried looking it up online - turns out the colors of the candles mean very specific things

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