Simulation - is the imitation of the operation of a real world process or system over time
Soft Simulation examples
Josephs Machines have to be one of the best channels around. This one here features a series of cables and pulleys to try and pass a bottle a wine around.
Butttt my real cable control mechanism that I saw recently was this one.
New York-based designer Brecht Wright Gander has created a wall sconce with a flesh-like silicone composite that is moved by motors to emphasise "the ways that even the most ordinary of domesticities often pulse with vitality".
As for the actual assignment - I had a lot of trouble thinking up mechanisms that weren’t the regular examples shown to us in class. I had some ideas but none that I could really execute too well.
I had a little leftover material from the exploration we did in class I thought I could use the material to try and make a flower
This exploration came through with the idea of a flower blooming. I really liked the way the “petals” curled inwards but it did take quite a large amount of force to get them to curl in.
I’m holding pretty tight here to keep all of them curled in!
Coming back to this, I quite like what the final concept ended up being but it looks so janky with the multiple pieces and string but I didn’t know what I wanted to do with it.