Storytelling is an innate part of being human. The practice of oral storytelling has existed long before any recorded or written history as a way to make sense of and pass on knowledge of lived experiences. We learn to communicate through stories at a very young age, told by family and friends, through books and movies, and even inventing our own.
Even with the current advances in tech and science, storytelling is still one of the most compelling forms of communication. That's because humans are social beings, naturally longing to connect with other people and storytelling is a central part of that. But, what is the difference between good storytelling and great storytelling?
An old and popular definition of storytelling is that is has a beginning, middle, and an end. While technically true, it is quite an insufficient definition. Many things have a beginning, middle, and an end like a rope, a meeting, or a hallway, but they are not interesting on their own. Stories are a sequence of events that unfolds over time that could involve a rope, a meeting, and a hallway!
Pixar in a Box - Introduction to Storytelling
In traditional storytelling, the setting is usually a time and a place where the story happens. The setting provides the backdrop for what is about to transpire and also sets the mood. For new-media stories, this could also mean thinking about the setting where your story will be viewed; is it in a museum, only accessible by dialing a phone number, hidden on a street corner?
A story has one or more characters, who have a purpose and are trying to get something done. The story usually follows the journey of the main character, the protagonist, while additional minor characters can provide extra information. Also important is the antagonist, a character or force that is standing in the way of the protagonists and their goal.
The plot is the journey made by the main character as they try to reach their goal.
Conflict in a story builds tension and suspense, making a story more interesting. This element appeals to the audience's senses and emotions, making them care about the character and their goals.
A great story teaches us something about the world and ourselves. The theme of the story is that message, told from the perspective of the storyteller.
"Why must you tell THIS story? What’s the belief burning within you that your story feeds off of? What greater purpose does this serve? What does it teach?" from Pixar in a Box
The plot of a story usually has a narrative arc - things are always getting better or worse. A narrative arc can be divided up into 4 sections: