Adnan Aga, Addison Worthington


After watching the Sopranos for a few seasons, the Big Mouth Billy Bass was brought into my life as a fun intro to animatronics. Feeling like a Disney engineer, I managed to find one on eBay and the hacking process began!


Figure 1: The original Big Mouth Bass


Figure 2: The modified Big Mouth Bass - Can you spot the difference?

Inside this E-Fish, there were a few different components we wanted to use.

  1. The motors in the fish.
    1. Mouth
    2. Body
    3. Tail
  2. The speaker
  3. The push button
  4. The phororesistor

The concept

My original idea for this fish was to create a prank machine. A fish that would hang up on the wall and wait for unsuspecting users to come interact with it.

The UX flow I was imagining was

  1. Photoresistor would detect the user
  2. The fish would say “hey you, press the button”