Screen Recording 2021-11-03 at 3.48.51
This project being the first one in the ICM media was a difficult one to concept for. The idea of changing images with some sort of story to them proved to be a difficult challenge. I cycled through a few different ideas but each time would realize that I didn't meet the requirements of the project.
I wanted to create a gallery of some sort, I played around with the idea of rotating wall of images.
Once the images were clicked they would fall off the screen to reveal
This felt very pleasant but attempting to create a moving gallery wall was very tough in code and I felt like I was still not meeting the prompt of changing images.
I also played around with the blur filter and Posenet via ml5. The idea was to have an image be blurrier the closer you were to the screen.
Starting off pretty blurry at a normal distance away and getting less blurry the farther back you got.
The idea seemed to be solid but then I got bogged down in the code trying to figure out how to use the filter function correctly.
image(img, 0, 0);
filter(BLUR, mappedBlur);
What the above function did was apply a blur to my wonderful image poster above, but the performance of the sketch degraded terribly when attempting to do that.
After putzing around playing with all these different ideas, and playing different music on iTunes I settled on looking at the work of Reid Miles. An iconic graphic designer that produced the artwork for the Blue Note label during their golden age, and ultimately produced many iconic covers that are still revered to this day. I wanted to play with the blendMode function to try and create some interesting visuals out of it.
Using this changeAlbum function was really cool as it allowed me to change the rate of change on the album art.
function changeAlbum(){
if(random() < val/100){
let xPos = round(random(0,2));
let yPos = round(random(0,2));
if(xPos === 1 && yPos ===1){
} else {
image(pics[round(random(0,46))],300*xPos,300*yPos,300, 300);
Here I randomized what album art was being selected and then based on the slider value I was able to change how fast the album art would swap out.