For just one day at ITP, breaks at class time are full-fledged events to look forward to! For three class periods on a Thursday, we hosted a 30 minute recess activity:

Live Drawing


Surprise Birthday party!

The Making of ITP Recess

Julia, Leia, and I, wanted to look at the concept of a class break. Every student experiences it in a pretty utilitarian way: hydrating, using the bathroom, going for a short walk, or putzing around chatting with friends.

What if the break was an experience that students could engage their minds in a fun and exciting way?

We brainstormed a list of fun activities and narrowed it down to a few that we liked the best and used ITP aimed to transform a space at ITP into something completely different. We wanted to add life and excitement to an otherwise boring space to make their break special.,h_536,al_c,q_20,enc_auto/file.jpg,h_1057,al_c,q_90/7e1e1f_d2c78256f3d34805822e192746a1ca0a~mv2.webp,h_559,al_c,q_20,enc_auto/file.jpg,h_1102,al_c,q_90/7e1e1f_dbd61de2a6e44c278de5c6023ad32800~mv2.webp

The results



"So fun!"

"We should do this more often!"

"I don't want to go back to class!"

"This is the first time I've seen something like this at ITP"

What Worked?