Adnan Aga, Addison Worthington

Quickie Descripie

A meditative experience allowing users to have a connected experience with Slime Mold.


When brainstorming for the project we came across this article that showcased the beauty and variance of slime molds out in nature.

There were so many variants all in different shapes and sizes! We wanted to create an experience that managed to showcase all that the slime had to offer.

Our first move was to procure some slime mold so we could present an in person experience. This was one of the first links that popped up and it introduced us to Physarum Polycephalum.

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The slime mold, a species calledĀ Physarum polycephalum is not actually a mold at all; it'sĀ a single-celled protist. This was now going to form the basis of our experience.

We continued to research it and we realized that Physarum is incredibly adaptive and relatively intelligent. It grows really quickly, and spreads out once lesioned from a main source during sub culture. It is truly a structure that has so much intricate detail that we don't appreciate on a daily basis.

I mean just look at this.




In addition, we looked up the prior research that had been done on the mold and came across 2 interesting projects.

Tokyo Railway

Slime Mold Grows Network Just Like Tokyo Rail System