It’s been a great week for finding random tech in my house. While searching for a set of Phillips Hue bulbs I found my old raspberry pi.

My lovely pi set up on an old TV getting ready to take some pictures.

My lovely pi set up on an old TV getting ready to take some pictures.

I wanted to set up a timelapse for 24 hours and so I took a look at Tom’s Pi Recipes page

The command to take a picture was the following.

raspistill -o cam.jpg

However this didn’t end up working due to some legacy camera error.

Instead I had to use the following command to get it to work. Most likely because my camera driver did not support raspistill.

libcamera-still -t 86400000 --timelpase 10000 --framestart 1 -o test%04d.jpg

Which translates to

libcamera-still - The name of the camera function I had to use

-t 86400000 - The Time period (milliseconds) to take the images

--timelpase 10000 - Take a picture every 10 seconds

--framestart 1 - Start labelling from Frame 1

-o test%04d.jpg - The name of the file after it takes the picture.

Here’s the final timelapse!

Some things of note: