It’s been a great week for finding random tech in my house. While searching for a set of Phillips Hue bulbs I found my old raspberry pi.
My lovely pi set up on an old TV getting ready to take some pictures.
I wanted to set up a timelapse for 24 hours and so I took a look at Tom’s Pi Recipes page
The command to take a picture was the following.
raspistill -o cam.jpg
However this didn’t end up working due to some legacy camera error.
Instead I had to use the following command to get it to work. Most likely because my camera driver did not support raspistill.
libcamera-still -t 86400000 --timelpase 10000 --framestart 1 -o test%04d.jpg
Which translates to
- The name of the camera function I had to use
-t 86400000
- The Time period (milliseconds) to take the images
--timelpase 10000
- Take a picture every 10 seconds
--framestart 1
- Start labelling from Frame 1
-o test%04d.jpg
- The name of the file after it takes the picture.
Here’s the final timelapse!
Some things of note:
40 Seconds - The start of some light appears on the carpet and shines off the
51 Seconds - I switch on my light right when the sun has finished its evening rounds.
2:07 - We see the faint glimpses of light starting from the outside reflecting off of my mirror frame.
2:18 - The suns rectangle travels across the wall. I could watch that as an instant replay forever.